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Highest Rated Flat Fee MLS Listing Service
BuySelf, Inc., Real Estate, Flat Fee MLS Listing Home Sales,Bloomington, MN

X-All Other Areas Not Listed

We are licensed to provide service in this area, but are not currently a member of the MLS serving this area. We are interested in joining this MLS, but to do that requires more than one typical flat fee MLS listing fee to cover the costs of joining a new MLS.

How soon could you be listed? Once we have enough commitments, it could be just a few days to join and be ready to list.

In a typical MLS, the revenue needed to join and start offering service is between $699 and $1499. There are a few MLSs that require even larger fees and/or our Broker to travel to a mandatory training, but most do not an enable service to be up and running in a few days. We are looking for either multiple individual sellers or multiple property sellers, such as builders, investors, flippers, etc. who can commit to listing in this MLS around the same time. Please let us know your interest and how many listings you can commit to on the form below.

To the best of our knowledge, there is not a brokerage offering flat fee listings in the MLS used by agents in this area. Be careful, this is a small MLS and some flat fee websites may claim to offer service here, but actually will put you into a far away MLS NOT used by agents in the area, which is typically not helpful for finding a buyer.

If multiple zip codes, include other property zip codes in the questions/comments section below.