Yes, many of our sellers have their sold properties while being hundreds of miles away. As long as you are reasonably reachable by phone and/or email, you can do the entire sales process remotely.
About Flat Fee MLS Home Sellers
Some people have a misconception that only experienced, sophisticated, and savvy home sellers should use flat fee home sales to sell. Not so. BuySelf Realty's services are designed for the first time home seller with no knowledge of real estate. Here are some other types of sellers and situations that successfully use BuySelf Realty:
Agents are motivated to sell Agent Friendly listings
The key to our sellers' success is our proven home selling system that creates an Agent Friendly Listing. Agent Friendly is a concept and term that BuySelf invented since pioneering flat fee listings in 1998. Since real estate agents influence almost nine of ten home buyers, motivating agents to show and sell BuySelf listings is the key to home selling success.
Yes. Many agents use our service because they know it is such a great value. Some agents use us because they are not a member of the MLS, or others use us because our fees are lower than they would pay even with their company's "employee discount" on selling a home. Let us know your license status when you order.