| Highest Rated Flat Fee MLS Listing Service


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Highest Rated Flat Fee MLS Listing Service
BuySelf, Inc., Real Estate, Flat Fee MLS Listing Home Sales,Bloomington, MN

Flat Fee MLS Listing

BuySelf sellers are 16% more likely to sell
their home than other flat fee sellers.

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We get your home in front of more buyers for a faster sale for a higher price, and that is why we are the top reviewed listing brokerage.

BuySelf was amazing! This is the second home that we have sold using your services and we couldn't be happier. We were nervous the first time to sell a home this way, but it turned out to be easier than we could have imagined. (And we saved a lot of money!) The customer service both times was beyond compare, with all of our questions answered quickly. Thank you so much for another great experience.  -- Kyle Kline

You were fantastic. Many of my neighbors laughed at me and didn’t think I could do it. When I told them I wanted a closing price of $415k, one of my neighbors said, “not going to happen”. You guys made it possible and I saved $14K!!!. I will definitely be using you again in the future! -- Pamela Rocco

Just wanted to say again how pleased I am with buyself. We've bought and sold over a dozen properties and dealt with brain dead agents that got paid full commission despite my wife and I doing most of the work. Buyself is more professional and more helpful than many full commission brokers. You guys can count on every sale side transaction I do. -- Denny Johnson

You don't need an agent to sell on the MLS!

Professional Support from beginning to end

Professionals available to answer your questions from the beginning of the home selling process to the end, Our time-tested home selling system is designed for the home seller with no experience or real estate knowledge, so you may not have any questions, but if you do we are ready.

Results - a faster sale for a higher price

The power of the MLS and the most popular real estate websites, when combined with our agent friendly listing marketing, results in an unmatched level of results for the sellers, as well as the largest home sale proceeds check at closing.

More exposure by being listed on nearly every website

You won't find a service that puts you on more of the most popular real estate websites. Zillow,, Trulia are just the start of the list. Our typical listing shows up on over 1,000 separate real estate websites. If you think you know a website where your listing won't appear, ask us.

No Hidden Fee Guarantee

Traditional agents and other real estate services "sneak" in additional fees at closing. Not BuySelf. We guarantee you won't have to pay us any fee other than what is listed on our website.

The same listing many pay 6% to an agent for

Your listing looks the same, and shows up in the same places as the sellers who are paying a traditional agent 6% to sell their property. By offering a buyer agent commission of 2-3%, buyer agents are just as motivated to show your listing as most any other listing on the market.

Receive a much bigger check at closing

Our average seller walks out of closing with a check over $8,000 larger than if they sold with a traditional agent. Because our sellers retain the option to sell to buyers not involved with an agent, Angie's List said our service is "the best of both worlds."